Wei-Chun Yeh (葉韋均)


B.S.    Fu Jen Catholic University

M.S.    National Yang-Ming University (Lien lab, 2006-200)


蕈膽鹼對於海馬迴齒狀迴區域中高頻動作電位籃狀細胞之興奮性影響 (碩士論文)

Muscarinic excitation of fast-spiking basket cells of rat hippocampal dentate gyrus (Master thesis)

Chiang PH, Yeh WC, Lee CT, Weng JY, Huang YY, Lien CC. M1-Like Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Regulate Fast-Spiking Interneuron Excitability in Rat Dentate Gyrus. Neuroscience 2010 Aug 11; 169 (1): 39-51. Epub 2010 Apr 28. [PDF] [PubMed]

Master of Science

Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences


Current position
