Kuo-Chang Chu (朱國彰)

Contact information


B.S.    Chung Shan Medical University

M.S.    National Yang-Ming University (Lien lab, 2006-2009)


酸鹼敏感性背景鉀離子通道在海馬迴星狀膠細胞的功能性表現 (碩士論文)

pH-Sensitive Background K+ Conductances in Rat Hippocampal Astrocytes (Master thesis)

Chu KC, Chiu CD, Hsu TT, Hsieh YM, Huang YY, Lien CC. Functional identification of an outwardly rectifying pH- and anesthetic-sensitive leak K+ conductance in hippocampal astrocytes. Eur J Neurosci 2010 Jul 28; 32: 725-35. [PDF] [Supporting Information] [PubMed]

Master of Science

Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences


Current position

Research assistant in NIH