Dr. Yu-Chao Liu (劉于超 博士)

Postdoctoral fellow

Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences

Contact information


B.S.    National Chung Hsing University

Ph.D.  National Yang Ming University (Lien lab, 2009-2014)


突觸前神經活性對齒狀迴抑制性神經訊息傳導之研究 (博士論文)

Rapid Dynamic Changes of Dendritic Inhibition in the Dentate Gyrus by Presynaptic Activity Patterns (PhD thesis) [PDF]

Hsu YT, Chang YG, Liu YC, Wang KY, Chen HM, Lee DJ, Yang SS, Tsai CH, Lien CC, Chern YJ.  Enhanced Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter 1 underlies motor dysfunction in Huntington's disease. Mov Disord. 2019 Mar 6. [Epub ahead of print]. [PDF] [PubMed]

Huang YY, Liu YC, Lee CT, Lin YC, Wang ML, Yang YP, Chang KY, Chiou SH. Revisiting the Lamotrigine-Mediated Effect on Hippocampal GABAergic Transmission. Int J Mol Sci 2016 Jul 22; 17 (7). E1191. [PDF][PubMed]

Chen WT, Hsieh YF, Huang YJ, Lin CC, Lin YT, Liu YC, Lien CC, Cheng IH. G206D Mutation of Presenilin-1 Reduces Pen2 Interaction, Increases Aβ42/Aβ40 Ratio and Elevates ER Ca2+ Accumulation. Mol Neurobiol 2014 Nov 15. [Epub ahead of print]. [PubMed]

Liu YC, Cheng JK, Lien CC. Rapid Dynamic Changes of Dendritic Inhibition in the Dentate Gyrus by Presynaptic Activity Patterns. J Neurosci 2014 Jan 22; 34(4): 1344-1357..[PDF] [PubMed]

Lee YC, Alexandra D, Majczenko K, Huang YH, Liu YC, Lien CC, Tsai PC, Ichikawa Y, Goto J, Monin ML, Li JZ, Chung MY, Mundwiller E, Shakkottai V, Liu TT, Tesson C, Lu YC, Brice A, Tsuji S, Burmeister M, Stevanin G, Soong BW. Mutations in KCND3 cause spinocerebellar ataxia type 22. Ann Neurol 2012 Dec; 72 (6): 859-69. [PDF] [Supporting Information] [PubMed]

Chiang PH*, Wu PY*, Kuo TW*, Liu YC, Chan CF, Chien TC, Cheng JK, Huang YY, Chiu CD, Lien CC. GABA is Depolarizing in Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells of the Adolescent and Adult Rats. J Neurosci 2012 Jan 4; 32 (1): 62-67. *Co-First author [PDF] [PubMed]

Lin YC, Liu YC, Huang YY, Lien CC. High-Density Expression of Ca2+-Permeable ASIC1a Channels in NG2 Glia of Rat Hippocampus. PLoS ONE 2010 Sep 10; 5 (9): e12665-e12672. [PDF] [PubMed]


Yu-Chao Liu received his bachelor’s degree in Life Sciences from NCHU in 2009, and earned his PhD in 2014 at NYMU with Cheng-Chang Lien. He will start his postdoctoral training with Stefan Remy at DZNE (Bonn, Germany) in April of 2016, with support from a postdoctoral research abroad program from MOST. His vision is to bridge the gaps between cellular/circuits-based neuro-mechanisms and cognitive animal behaviors. Combined of behavioral test and in vivo recording techniques, he proposes to find out the origin of single-place-preference of hippocampal neurons.