Ning Kuo (郭寧)

Master student  2010~

Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences

Contact information


B.S.    National Yang-Ming University

M.S.    National Yang-Ming University (Lien lab, 2010-2014)




My name is Ning Kuo; I am a 4th-year master student in Lien lab. I graduated from the Department of Life Sciences of National Yang-Ming University and join Lien lab since 2010. I focus on the ionic basis of variant firing pattern of neurons in amygdala central nucleus lateral part (CeL). CeL neurons differ in their spike latency, and it is well-studied that firing pattern of a given neuron is determined by the morphological architecture and intrinsic membrane conductance. Since the gating of voltage-gated potassium channels can shape the spike waveform and precision, their expression is one of the main factors in determining the variance of firing phenotypes. The specific aim of my study is to characterize voltage-gated potassium channels in amygdala CeL neurons and correlate to the cell morphologies.


小鼠杏仁核中央核側區神經細胞之電位控制型鉀離子通道特性研究 (碩士論文)

Characterization of Voltage-gated K+ Channels in Lateral Subdivision of Central Amygdala Neurons (Master thesis) [PDF]

Hou WH, Kuo N, Fang GW, Huang HS, Wu KP, Zimmer A, Cheng JK, Lien CC. Wiring specificity and synaptic diversity in the mouse lateral central amygdala. J Neurosci 2016 April; 36(16): 4549-4563. (Corresponding author) (Featured Article) [PDF] [PubMed]; also see Editor's Commentary [PDF] [PDF (Chinese Ver.)]