Chia-Wei Yeh (葉家維)




Research Assistant 2020~2022

Master student  2017~2020

Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences


我畢業於中山醫學大學,主修醫學檢驗。大學時期加入醫化所的實驗室(指導教授為Prof. Tsui-Hwa Tseng),主要研究天然萃取物及其純化物之抗癌活性及機制,而後參與中研院分生所的暑期計畫(指導教授為Dr. Jun-An Chen),開啟了我對神經科學的興趣,並決定加入陽明神經科學研究所連老師實驗室,以期更深入了解神經科學。

M.SNational Yang Ming University

B.S.  Chung Shan Medical University

For more information, please see the personal statement in my CV.

Personal CV

My NCBI bibliography



Blm-s 剔除小鼠海馬齒狀回顆粒細胞之型態生理學特性研究 (碩士論文)
Morpho-physiological Properties of Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells in the Blm-s Knockout mice (Master thesis)

Huang PH, Yang TY, Yeh CW, Huang SM, Chang HC, Hung YF, Chu WC, Cho KH, Lu TP, Kuo PH, Lee LJ, Kuo LW, Lien CC, Cheng HJ. Involvement of a BH3-only apoptosis sensitizer gene Blm-s in hippocampus-mediated mood control. Transl Psychiatry. 2022 Sep 26;12(1):411. doi: 10.1038/s41398-022-02184-6.[PDF] [PubMed]

Wei YT, Wu JW, Yeh CW, Shen HC, Wu KP, Vida I, Lien CC. Morpho-physiological properties and connectivity of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide-expressing interneurons in the mouse hippocampal dentate gyrus. J Comp Neurol. 2021 Jul 1;529(10):2658-2675. doi: 10.1002/cne.25116. [PDF] [PubMed]

Yeh CW, Wang KY, Ajibola MI, Abdulmajeed WI, Cheng HJ, Huang PH, and Lien CC. Morpho-physiological Properties of Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells in the Blm-s Knockout Mice. Poster session presented at the 35th (2021) Joint Annual Conference of Biomedical Science, Taiwan (2021).

Yeh CW, Wang KY, Ajibola MI, Abdulmajeed WI, Cheng HJ, Huang PH, Lien CC*. Morpho-physiological Properties of Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells in the Blm-s Knockout Mice. Poster session presented at the NYMU-INS 40th anniversary event, Taiwan (2020).

Chung DJ#, Wang CJ#, Yeh CW#, Tseng TH*. Inhibition of the Proliferation and Invasion of C6 Glioma Cells by Tricin via the Upregulation of Focal-Adhesion-Kinase-Targeting MicroRNA-7. J Agric Food Chem. 2018 Jul 5;66(26):6708-6716. (#equal contribution) [PubMed]
