Pu-Yeh Wu (吳僕(一ㄝˋ))

Master of Science

Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences

Contact information


B.S.    National Tsing Hua University

M.S.    National Yang-Ming University (2009-2012)


I graduated from National Tsing-Hua University in 2009 with a degree in life science. Then I entered neuroscience institute at NYMU and studied under Dr. Cheng-Chang Lien for  masters degree. In Lien Lab, I learned electrophysiology techniques including patch clamp, single-cell staining and field potential recording.


When interstitial pH fluctuations occur normally in the brain, it remains unclear whether they exert any significant modulation on neuronal function. Using the above experimental skills, I am investigating the role of acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC), a neuronal acid chemosensor, in neurotransmission and the mechanisms behind its modulatory effect.


PART I 酸敏感離子通道對於神經訊息傳遞之調控 (碩士論文)

Modulation of Neurotransmission by Acid-Sensing Ion Channels (Master thesis)


PART II 伽馬氨基丁酸於青年與成年大鼠海馬齒狀迴顆粒細胞中的去極化特性 (碩士論文)

GABA is Depolarizing in Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells of the Adolescent and Adult Rats (Master thesis)

Wu PY, Huang YY, Chen CC, Hsu TT, Lin YC, Weng JY, Chien TC, Cheng IH, Lien CC. Acid-sensing ion channel-1a is not required for normal hippocampal LTP and spatial memory. J Neurosci 2013 Jan 30; 33 (5): 1828-32. [PDF] [PubMed]

Chiang PH*, Wu PY*, Kuo TW*, Liu YC, Chan CF, Chien TC, Cheng JK, Huang YY, Chiu CD, Lien CC. GABA is Depolarizing in Hippocampal Dentate Granule Cells of the Adolescent and Adult Rats. J Neurosci 2012 Jan 4; 32 (1): 62-67. *Co-First author [PDF] [PubMed]



Current position

PhD student at NTU