Image Gallery |
Videos |
1. Patch clamp demo |
2. 3D view of CA1 pyramidal cell reconstruction |
3. Calcium signals of hippocampal culture cells (Puff AMPA) |
4. 3D view of DG basket cell reconstruction |
5. 3D view of DG dendrite-targeting cell reconstruction |
6. 3D image stack of NG2 cell |
MF button imaging |
Ca2+ imaging |
Electroporation |
Basket cell |
NG2 cell |
O-LM cell |
Patch-clamp setup |
Patch-clamp and imaging setup |
7. Nucleated patch series images |
8. 3D reconstruction of NG2 cell |
12. 3D reconstruction of OPC4 cell |
9. 3D reconstruction of OPC1 cell |
10. 3D reconstruction of OPC2 cell |
11. 3D reconstruction of OPC3 cell |
13. 3D reconstruction of OPC5 cell |
PV expressing interneurons |
SOM expressing interneurons |
14. 3D reconstruction of BC (151228-01) |
15. 3D reconstruction of BC (151228-02) |
16. 3D reconstruction of BC (151228-03) |
17. 3D reconstruction of BC (151229-02) |
18. 3D reconstruction of BC (160105-01) |
19. 3D reconstruction of BC (160107-02) |
20. 3D reconstruction of BC (160112-03) |
21. 3D reconstruction of BC (160128-02) |
22. 3D reconstruction of BC (160129-04) |
23. 3D reconstruction of BC (160129-05) |
24. 3D reconstruction of BC (160201-03) |
25. 3D reconstruction of BC (160201-04) |
26. 3D reconstruction of BC (160201-05) |