Image Gallery


1. Patch clamp demo

2. 3D view of CA1 pyramidal cell reconstruction

3. Calcium signals of hippocampal culture cells (Puff AMPA)

4. 3D view of DG basket cell reconstruction

5. 3D view of DG dendrite-targeting cell reconstruction

6. 3D image stack of NG2 cell

MF button imaging

Ca2+ imaging



Basket cell

NG2 cell

O-LM cell

Patch-clamp setup

Patch-clamp and imaging setup

7. Nucleated patch series images

8. 3D reconstruction of NG2 cell

12. 3D reconstruction of OPC4 cell

9. 3D reconstruction of OPC1 cell

10. 3D reconstruction of OPC2 cell

11. 3D reconstruction of OPC3 cell

13. 3D reconstruction of OPC5 cell

PV expressing  interneurons

SOM expressing  interneurons

14. 3D reconstruction of  BC (151228-01)

15. 3D reconstruction of  BC (151228-02)

16. 3D reconstruction of  BC (151228-03)

17. 3D reconstruction of  BC (151229-02)

18. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160105-01)

19. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160107-02)

20. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160112-03)

21. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160128-02)

22. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160129-04)

23. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160129-05)

24. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160201-03)

25. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160201-04)

26. 3D reconstruction of  BC (160201-05)