Dr. Cheng-Da Lee (李政達 博士)


Institute of Neuroscience

School of Life Sciences

Contact information


B.S.    National Tsing Hua University

Ph.D.  National Yang Ming University (Lien lab, 2009-2015)


特定種類聯絡神經元對上游輸入不同型式訊息所造成的齒狀回顆粒細胞激活之調控 (博士論文)

Specific Types of Interneurons Regulate Input Pattern-Dependent Recruitment of Dentate Granule Cells (PhD thesis) [PDF]

Lee CT, Kao MH, Hou WH, Wei YT, Chen CL, Lien CC. Causal evidence for the role of specific GABAergic interneuron types in entorhinal recruitment of dentate granule cells. Sci Rep 2016 Nov; 6: 36885. [PDF] [PubMed]

Huang YY, Liu YC, Lee CT, Lin YC, Wang ML, Yang YP, Chang KY, Chiou SH. Revisiting the Lamotrigine-Mediated Effect on Hippocampal GABAergic Transmission. Int J Mol Sci 2016 Jul 22; 17 (7). E1191. [PDF][PubMed]

Chang CP, Lee CT, Hou WH, Lin MS, Lai HL, Chien CL, Chang C, Cheng PL, Lien CC*, Chern Y. Type VI adenylyl cyclase negatively regulates GluN2B-mediated LTD and spatial reversal learning. Sci Rep 2016 Mar; 6(22529): 1-16. (*co-corresponding author) [PDF] [Supporting information] [PubMed]

Hsu TT, Lee CT, Tai MH, Lien CC. Differential recruitment of dentate gyrus interneuron types by commissural versus perforant pathways. Cerebral Cortex 2016 Jun; 26(6): 2715-27. [PDF] [Supporting information] [PubMed]

Chiang PH, Yeh WC, Lee CT, Weng JY, Huang YY, Lien CC. M1-Like Muscarinic Acetylcholine Receptors Regulate Fast-Spiking Interneuron Excitability in Rat Dentate Gyrus. Neuroscience 2010 Aug 11; 169 (1): 39-51. Epub 2010 Apr 28. [PDF] [PubMed]


I am a PhD student in Lien lab. After graduating from National Tsing-Hua University with a degree in Life Science, I decided to devote myself into neuroscience research.


Learning  and memory are my main interest, especially synaptic plasticity. My current project is to investigate long-range retrograde LTP in the hippocampus.
