Ting-Yun Yen (顏廷耘)

E-mail: ritz6513@gmail.com   

B.S.    National Yang-Ming University

M.S.    National Yang-Ming University (Lien lab, 2012-2014)



PhD student  2014~2022

Taiwan international graduate program

— Molecular medicine Program

Academia Sinica


I majored in Laboratory Science in Medicine when I was a college student in National Yang-Ming University. During my college time, I spent two summers in the laboratory (supervisor Dr. DY Yang) of the Institute of Brain Science, where I started to learn about the brain. At that time, I was exploring the molecular mechanism of Alzheimer's disease. I was fascinated by the complexity of the brain and therefore joined in Lien’s lab to study the functional connection.


Hippocampal dentate gyrus exhibits many kinds of neurons including the excitatory principle neurons, that is, granule cells and inhibitory GABAergic interneurons. We have found a subpopulation of somatostatin-expressing GABAergic neurons, which would protrude commissural projection from one side of hippocampus dentate gyrus to the contralateral part of the dentate gyrus. I am curious about the function of this long-range projection and currently studying its function using optogenetics.

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齒狀迴中體抑素表現細胞之遠端軸突投射標的 (碩士論文)

Synaptic Transmission between Long-Range Somatostatin-positive Dentate Interneurons and Remote Target cells (Master thesis) [PDF]

Yen TY, Huang Y, MacLaren DAA, Schlesiger MI, Monyer H, Lien CC. Inhibitory projections connecting the dentate gyri in the two hemispheres support spatial and contextual memory. Cell Rep. 2022 May 17;39(7):110831. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2022.110831.  [PDF] [PubMed] [Chinese Graphical Summary]


Huang CY, Lien CC, Cheng CF, Yen TY, Chen CJ, Tsaur ML. K+ channel Kv3.4 is essential for axon growth by limiting the influx of Ca2+ into growth cones. J Neurosci  2017 April; 37(17): 4433-4449.  [PDF]  [PubMed]


For more information, please see the personal statement in my CV.

Personal CV